速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / CTLF - Driver Application - Airport Taxi

CTLF - Driver Application - Airport Taxi





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




CTLF - Driver Application - Airport Taxi Transfer(圖1)-速報App

Smart CTLF airport transfer and on demand professional taxi app for LONDON and UK. Be a part of the family of professional airport transfer fleet in London.

CTLF - Driver Application - Airport Taxi Transfer(圖2)-速報App

CTLF Services are available in LONDON and nearby cities with airport transfer in the entire UK.

CTLF - Driver Application - Airport Taxi Transfer(圖3)-速報App


CTLF - Driver Application - Airport Taxi Transfer(圖4)-速報App

-> On demand jobs dispatch

CTLF - Driver Application - Airport Taxi Transfer(圖5)-速報App

-> Instant notification of new jobs allocation

CTLF - Driver Application - Airport Taxi Transfer(圖6)-速報App

-> Full details on job info and passenger details

CTLF - Driver Application - Airport Taxi Transfer(圖7)-速報App

-> Non stop support staff for drivers and clients to ensure 100% client satisfaction

CTLF - Driver Application - Airport Taxi Transfer(圖8)-速報App

-> Transparent payment system with clear revenue control


Safety - CTLF drivers are manually approved by our staff after verification of documents

Free - CTLF airport transfer and on demand taxi is a free app. You only need to pay the trip costs.

CTLF Taxi Transfer support line which is dedicated to our users .Contact us at any time at drivers@ctlf.co.uk or support@ctlf.co.uk